SME Lancers Theatre Boosters
2024-25 Season
August 23 Meeting Agenda & Notes
I. Amy Camp, Booster President – Welcome & Introductions:
Tash Davis, VP/Treasurer | Sybbie Fox, Communications | Jeannie Branzaru, Social Media Blogger
II. Brian Cappello & Tom DeFeo, SME Theatre Faculty
III. Thespian Troupe 1806 Executive Board Reps:
How Thespian membership is earned / How to Letter in Thespians | Thespian Activities: Upcoming events, Lance Day Float info
IV. Amy:
a) Membership: How to join – - 2-part on-line submission (membership form & PayPal), form download to return with check to Mr. DeFeo’s class
b) Board members needed/description of tasks
Outside sales/sponsorships (In addition, if anyone present would like to be a sponsor, please note on Theatre Boosters membership form.)
Mercy Meals - FILLED
Flower Sales - FILLED
Photographer to work with student photographers - FILLED
c) September 16 Family BBQ and backstage tours (ALL theatre families are invited – members/non-members) – Dinner is provided
d) Pre-Show Pot Lucks:
Two pot lucks this year: Wed, Oct. 26 & Tues, Jan. 31. Potlucks begin at 5:00pm; dress rehearsal begins at 6:30pm. Remember, this is your time to take pictures / videos, as no flash photography is allowed during shows.
Themed dinners with a SignUp Genius (All parents of cast/crew invited. All cast/crew members will be eating – ensure plenty of food)
e) Pre-Show To-Do’s: prior to Pot Luck or at Pot Luck:
Line ads ($10) – “Break-a-Leg, Johnny! We love you, Mom and Dad!”
Show Posters ($5)– tradition that cast and crew sign the back
Musical– $10 - pre-purchased for musical, pick up at Pot Luck. Not general admission. Tickets assigned in order of receipt of money and order form.
Fall Show - all tickets, $7 at the door
Buttons ($5) – pre-ordered, picked up at Pot Luck
Flowers ($10) – pre-ordered, picked up on SHOW NIGHTS in concession area
(Some of these items will be taken care of at the booster meeting prior to a show -or- eventually online. Forms will be emailed prior to booster meetings.)
e) Important Dates:
Booster Meetings (prior to each show): Oct 4, Jan 10, Mar 21 – 6:3pm
Show Dates: Musical Revue, September 13 & 14, 7:00 p.m.
Our Town – Fall Play, October 27-29, 7:00 p.m.
Seussical – Musical, Feb 1, Feb 3, Feb 4, 7:00 p.m. + 2:00 Sat.
That’s Not How I Remember It –and- Bad Ideas for Television Shows: April 5, 6 & 7 – 7:00pm
f) Sign-Ups: Contact email, Membership, & T-shirt orders in the lobby concluding meeting
Season T-shirts - $5 (you can generously pay full cost of the shirt at $8)