SME Lancers Theatre Boosters
2024-25 Season
(If you're new to SME Theatre, here are some things you may hear us say.)
Break-A-Leg - notes of acknowledgement for a production member to be posted in the program.
Strike - actors & crew tear down and clean directly following the run of each show, in preparation for the next show.
Workday - Workdays occur throughout the year after school and on Saturdays. Crew members work on preparation for productions—building sets, painting, obtaining props, etc.
Load In - The time when the stage is free to move in the production; set, lights, sound etc. This takes 10 to 14 days.
Show Shirts - Shirts unique to each mainstage production. Some Frequent Fridays will also have show shirts available. Shirts are purchased by cast / crew involved with productions. For mainstage shows, students need to pay for their shirts in advance, when their order is placed.
Frequent Fridays - Frequent Fridays are One-act plays directed by Senior students, enrolled in Advanced Rep Theatre. Any student may audition and apply to be a crew member for a Frequent Friday.
Tech Week - The week leading up to the show; dress rehearsals, lights / sound, long days...