SME Lancers Theatre Boosters
2024-25 Season

Students are initiated into Troupe 1806 in the spring.
ALL students can be involved in theatre activities (social events, etc.).
Activities are not limited to those only in the Thespian Society.
Membership in Troupe 1806 is open to all East students. To be eligible, students must accumulate 10 points by working in some capacity on SME theatrical productions. Points are awarded in various amounts based on the position held. Students continue to accumulate points throughout their high school career. The senior with the most points accumulated is named Best Thespian and awarded $100. Also, initiated Thespians are eligible to vote for Student Performance Awards at the end of the school year.
Student are charged a one-time fee of $30 when they are initiated.
A list of point values is posted on the call board outside Room 208. Points are monitored by a member of the Theatre Executive Board. Updated points are posted on the callboard at various times throughout the year.
Any initiated Thespian is eligible to run for an executive position. The execs decide social activities, plan the banquet, coordinate the Lancer Day float, monitor Thespian points, as well as other activities that arise throughout the year. PS - you do not have to be a thespian to participate in all theatre events planed by execs.
Membership in Thespian Troupe 1806 is separate from lettering in Theatre. Students are eligible for a Theatre letter without being a member of Thespians. Letters are awarded by the theatre sponsors for participation throughout the year. This participation includes work in both main stage productions and Frequent Fridays.
Senior Thespians who have accumulated at least 75 points are eligible to wear an honor cord at graduation. These cords are purchased by the student at a cost of $15.
Initiated Thespians are eligible for various scholarships awarded by the Theatre Department and Theatre Boosters.
The International Thespian Society is an honor organization. It is a positive addition to a student’s resume when applying to colleges.
Stay in touch with Thespian Troupe 1806